
發佈時間:2021-05-24 09:20:34 作者:Stephen 閱讀量:429

名詞 (noun): 名詞最簡單的描述,地球上一切人事物的「名稱」,就是名詞
人: Mary (瑪莉),father (父親),driver (司機)
動物: dog (狗),bird (鳥),whale (鯨魚)
地方: Taiwan (台灣),coffee shop (咖啡廳)
東西物品: watch (手錶),flower (花),car (車)
事件: fire (火災),accident (意外)
抽象概念和特質: love (愛),kindness (仁慈),freedom (自由)

代名詞 (pronoun):用來代替句子中已經提及過或已知的名詞

代名詞有 I, he, she, it, some, any, many...
1. This dress looks beautiful. I like it. (it 代替洋裝dress)
2. Jenny is married. She has two kids. (she 代替Jenny)
3. They grew a lot of tomatoes. After a while they had too many.
(too many 代替 too many tomatoes)

動詞 (verb):描述動作或是存在狀態的詞性

1. 一般動詞: walk, eat, drink, run, play...
2. be動詞: am, is, are, was, were...
3. 助動詞: do, does, did, can, may, must...

形容詞 (adjective):用來描述(或修飾)「名詞」或 「代名詞」

例如: good, smart, short, small, poor, tall, cute...
1. He is rich. (rich 描述代名詞 he)
2. He is a rich man. (rich 描述名詞 man)

副詞 (adverb):用來描述(或修飾)動詞、形容詞、副詞,或是整句

例如: very, so, quite, fast, slowly, quickly, actually
1. My teacher speaks slowly. (slowly 修飾動詞speak)
2. You are so nice. (so 修飾形容詞nice)
3. He runs very fast. (very 修飾副詞fast)
4. Actually, I don't like it. (actually 修飾整個句子)

介系詞 (preposition):表在地方,在時間,或是片語、用法搭配的功能字

例如: in, on, at, of, for, with, from
1. I'm in my room. (in 在~裡面)
2. He eats breakfast at 7:00. (at 在~點)
3. They are from Japan. (from 來自)
4. Peter is afraid of spiders. (be afraid of 害怕)
5. I'm looking for my dog. (look for 尋找)

連接詞 (conjunction):用來連接單字、片語或是句子的詞性

例如: and, but, or, so, because, when, before, although...
1. Alice is smart and beautiful.
2. He's a nice guy, but I don't like him.
3. I was sick, so I didn't go to work.
4. If you have any questions, please let me know.
5. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.

感嘆詞 (interjection):用來表達情感或情緒的短字

例如: oh, wow, ouch, ah, oops
1. 痛的時候會說 ouch
2. 驚訝時會說 wow
3. 有一個不預期的狀況發生時會說 oops

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